We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.

We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.

We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.

We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.

We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
Vi söker dig som har utbildning inom ekonomi, gärna universitetsutbildning, alternativt har erfarenhet av löpande bokföring, periodisering och avstämningar. Självklart har du goda kunskaper i Officepaketet med fokus på Excel.
Du uttrycker dig väl i tal och skrift samt tycker om att hålla presentationer. Du är duktig på att kommunicera ekonomifrågor på ett förståeligt och enkelt sätt. Praktiskt arbete med redovisning är meriterande.
Som person är du analytisk, strukturerad och har ett konsultativt förhållningssätt. Du planerar, organiserar och prioriterar ditt arbete på ett effektivt sätt samt tar helhetsansvar för dina arbetsuppgifter. I ditt sätt att vara är du proaktiv och initierar utvecklingsarbeten. Du har lätt för att anpassa dig till ändrade omständigheter samt har en god förmåga att lyssna och kommunicera med andra. Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper.