We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.

We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.
Vi vill att du har höga förväntningar och en tro på att alla elever kan lyckas. Som lärare anpassar du undervisningen utifrån varje elevs unika förutsättningar och ser skolutveckling som en naturlig del av läraruppdraget.
Du kan genom att tydliggöra målen och kunskapskraven för eleverna motivera dem så att de når goda resultat i skolarbetet. Du har lätt att hitta samarbetsformer och ser arbetslaget och elevhälsan som en tillgång. Vi lägger stor vikt vid din förmåga att skapa goda personliga relationer.
We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.
Du är en tydlig ledare i klassrummet och vågar pröva nya vägar för att ständigt sträva efter att förbättra din undervisning.
Du arbetar med höga förväntningar och du ser goda relationer med elever och vårdnadshavare som en naturlig del för ditt arbete.
I samarbete med kollegor skapar du goda lärmiljöer utifrån ett tydligt och lågaffektivt ledarskap.
I tjänsten ingå mentorskap.

We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.

We celebrate our entrepreneurs!
We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd!
Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.